Working temporarily as a teacher on Skovlund Efterskole, a Danish boarding school, I was approached by the headmaster to propose a major makeover of the school's web site. The site had to consist of both a public interface and an intranet with employee features only. The finished site became a proof of Drupal's versatility and strength.
Among the most important features are the news section with an archive and the event calendar. The school's employees have the possibility to create articles and events, but these may only be published by an editor.
The intranet has, in addition to the forum, also a "calendar book", a crucial tool for the employees, in which room reservations, student absence, illness, and much more are noted. The "calendar book" works as a normal calendar where the employees create entries. The entries may have both a start and an end date, and they may be commented on.
The site exists only in Danish and can be seen on http://www.ske.dk.