Drupal Sites FAQ

Q: What is this site about?


DrupalSites.net is a directory that lists websites powered by the open source content management system Drupal. We hope to demonstrate the flexibility of this CMS by listing all the different sites out there.

Q: Which sites can be added?


You may add any site currently powered by open source content management system Drupal.

However, it is not in our policy to list sites with excessive adult, inflammatory or abusive content.

Q: How do I add my site?


Register an account with DrupalSites.net (it's absolutely free) and add your weblink from submit item in top navigation menu.

You may use your Drupal.org login information or login info from your own site if you have drupal.module enabled.

Q: How do I add a screenshot to my showcase?


Screenshot is optional but will attract much more attention to your submission.

You can attach jpg or png files only. It is recommended to attach files not smaller than 800px wide. For best results it's recommended to use at least 1000x1000px images. Square or tall images will look the best.

WARNING!: give your screenshot files unique names! Something like "mysitename.jpg" and avoid any non-latin (including accented latin) characters. Otherwise you may have somebody else's sçréënshøt.

Q: What do I do if you do not have any category for my site to be listed in?


Please submit your opinon as a comment to this blog. If it is a reasonable request and the suggested category may host many sites of a kind it will be added ASAP.

Q: Why some sites are featured on the front page? How can I have mine listed there?


Sites promoted to the front page and/or listed on featured sites page are the editors' choice. To be promoted your site has to be nice in terms of design, concept and maintenance.

No bribes are accepted for the site to become "featured" even if you decide to become a sponsor. Any moderation is left to sole discretion of moderator.

Q: There is a very nice Drupal site which is not listed but it's not mine. Can I submit it?


Of course! Please do submit more Drupal sites!

However you should not include any promotion for yourself in this case.

Q: I've created account (logged in) with drupal.org (or my own site) credentials and now I can't login or modify my post. What to do?


Important: As of November 1st, 2010 @drupal.org logins will not work anymore (http://drupal.org/node/926664). So please create a new account and contact us with the list of your submissions so we could transfer it to your new account.

This is a known issue unfortunately. It happens because of some miscommunication with drupal.org authentication service or network issues. There is no pattern for this error so it's almost impossible to fix.

Solution: you can wait for some time and try to login again or you can create local account at drupalsites.net and we'll transfer your posts to this new account. Just let us know if you choose this way.