The Grove Medical Practice is a GP surgery operating out of Southampton.
The website was part of a rebranding process that Grove required because of the dated old site they had. It was important that the branding really captured the essence of the Grove practice whilst maintaining old elements so that there was easy identification from the existing patients.
It is a drupal 7 website, with mailchimp and a secured staff intranet hidden behind it. The mailchimp module means that Grove can easily run e-mail campaigns.
The website contains dynamic elements that are used to really compliment the large amount of information that is available to users. In addition to this, the menu system descends right the way down to tertiary menu items in order for the users to better organise and control their information. It was essential to have this as otherwise the information would be too widely spread across the website, making user journeys less intuitive.
We also had to incorporate several different signpost types to be able to handle the client's requests.