The site is official website of City Of Ventura, located between Malibu and Santa Barbara on the blue Pacific Ocean, overlooking Anacapa and Santa Cruz islands. A city that falls under California State.
The site is official website of City Of Ventura, located between Malibu and Santa Barbara on the blue Pacific Ocean, overlooking Anacapa and Santa Cruz islands. A city that falls under California State.
City of Ventura is a good example of drupal site, the site provides the detail info about city of ventura like its history, accountable government, city's budget, council, detail info of all government departments, detail info with agendas of all public as well as council meetings etc..The site covers the basic CMS features like photo gallery, video gallery, news and events, stay connected, online services, maps etc..The site has been developed by CIGNEX.
That is really great website. I see they have all departments, Fire, Police, etc. all posting content. They are also publishing meetings and meeting details, all relevant documents.
Documents seems to be searchable that is a cool feature.
Good for citizens. This is a great step, Drupal helping in Egovernance.
The site navigation is too good. WOW!!
The site is cool.. Designs is done by XI http://xperienceinteractive.com/portfolio/city-of-ventura/
Keep up the good work.
I'm fan of XI.
This one really shows what you can do with Drupal. Very clean simple and good looking. Very nice
Awesome design and great work, i really like it.