Drupal Version:
This is a personal blog about foods, handicrafts, green issues and hand made soaps.
It uses Druapl 5.7 for now together with a few essential modules like image, tinymce, google analytics, etc - together with a custom theme.
The intention was to make it not obviously a drupal site when first looked at - but to have all the ease of use and functionality that drupal provides intact.
Please have a look, and any comments would be gratefully received!
Just want to thank you for recommending this site.
Hi There thank you for recomending this blog, I have shown it to my wife and she loves it. Since she saw it a few days ago we have tried some fantastic receipies.
Hi there, Just like to say I really liked the blog, its both fun and useful.
Thanks for the reccomendation, this is a great blog.