Drupal Showcase in: Belgium
From 1st July to 31st December 2010, it is Belgium's turn to take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU).
RCT wants to provide unambiguous information, helping the community to structure the complex nature of information on cancer therapies.
A vast choice, classic and original, of Japanese delicatessen, perfectly presented with numerous variations.
#5939 I love sushi
Egeon is a company delivering energy related services. The website has a custom theme and incorporates some javascript for fast calculation of prices for some of our services.
Website of the Belgian Rowing Federation, based on Views and CCK to a very large extent.
"Gezonde Scholen" is Dutch for Healthy Schools and is a marketing website to promote better environments for schools.
#5668 Gezonde Scholen
DeWereldMorgen.be (DeWeMo) is an independent news website where media are created by volunteers as well as professional journalists.
#5663 De Wereld Morgen
Little lost toys are waiting on pavements and in gutters, ready to be washed away. The moment the toy fell there on the street, it became nothing more than itself, without story or history.
#5563 Connectoys
"Objectif Web" is a web community (still in beta) that will group together web experts and users from small and middle range business.
#5481 Objectif Web
Waar men ook woont; in een appartement een huis of een villa, er wordt steeds gestreefd naar meer comfort.
#5445 Motech domotics