DeWereldMorgen.be (DeWeMo) is an independent news website where media are created by volunteers as well as professional journalists. Its focus is on social & political news, offering a broad spectrum of information and reaching as many people as possible, while remaining fully independent from media conglomerates or other private interests.
A beautiful Social Publishing use case: on one hand a newssite, where news is created and published with a strict editorial workflow. On the other, a multi-user blog where people can feel free without editors interfering. To tie the news site and the blog together Krimson provided -among other things- a one-click-solution that editors can use to copy a blog post to the newssite and vice versa. Since multimedia is crucial, photos can be uploaded in full resolution and displayed in various shapes and sizes. Video and audio are transcoded on a seperate virtual server and streamed efficiently to the viewer/listener.