Drupal Showcase in: Belgium
Refurbished, fully adapted and used slot machines. A full service corporation specialized in slot machines
website van Scoutsgroep en Koninklijke Scoutsharmonie Sint-Leo in Brugge. Wij verenigen twee scouts-afdelingen (de landscouts en de zeescouts) en een harmonie (de Koninklijke Scoutsharmonie)
Rowing in Belgium : website providing news about the belgian rowing national team and the regattas organised in Belgium.
#3099 Rowing in Belgium
After 1 year, this campaign site (Put your trash in the Trasbin), was redesigned.
It has a very expressive design with lot's of image overlays and cool campaign material.
Blue Army is an FC Bruges fan site, totally rebuilt from scratch using Drupal.
Kadolog vous permet de créer gratuitement vos listes de cadeaux. A l'occasion de votre mariage, d'une naissance, ou simplement pour partager vos envies cadeaux avec votre entourage.
Website of one rowing club in Liege, Belgium. Using several traditional drupal modules (including i18, image, views,...).
#2980 RCAE Aviron
Tein Telecom is a leading architect and supplier of innovative and integrated network-based Voice, Data and Video solutions
#2918 Tein Telecom