Drupal Showcase in: Activism

This category features Drupal-powered websites submitted by activist groups and organisations promoting social, political, economic or environmental changes.
Тюменский пейнтбольный клуб "Штурм"
This site was created by Image X Media, a Drupal web design firm in Vancouver BC.
The Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals needed a web site to grow it’s membership and make it easier for the organization to promote itself.
The POPARD website is an educational organization providing training and consulting services to the educational community, parents and caregivers.
The Nonprofit Congress, an initiative of the National Council of Nonprofit Associations and the state association network, empowers individuals and nonprofits to act collectively for positive chang
Sito Ufficiale Associazione Pro Loco Fiumefreddo di Sicilia.
For the progressives out there who realize that the modern world is fragile and all sorts of things could make the future less like Ray Kurzweil imagines and more like John Robb does.
SEWA ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der an der Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in Westafrika arbeitet.
We’re here to act as a hub for users and social action partners to collaborate and pool resources to fight homelessness, prevent pandemics and save those poor polar bears before the ice cap melts.
Underground Free University, is part of the "Migrants Place" Social Centre, in Athens. Its purpose is the exchange of computer knowledge, from hardware to OS, from open source to internet.
Father's rights movement lobbying for equal shared parenting after divorce