Blog Hello and welcome! is a directory that lists websites powered by the open source content management system Drupal. We hope to demonstrate the flexibility of this CMS by listing all the different sites out there.

Some outstanding sites (mostly due to their design) will be featured and promoted to front page periodically.

Join and list your site!

Usability comments are highly appreciated.

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at some urls' i see the php session id

nice site, nice layout. i always thought that the site is a bit to blue. ny adding the orange here, it has a nice ffresh layout while resembling the theme. btw: best to turn the phpsession id's off in your apache config

bertboerland's picture
editing own posts

and I would like to be able to edit my own comments and weblinks. can that be turned on?

bertboerland's picture
You can edit you own weblinks from now on.

You can edit you own weblinks from now on. Somehow weblink.module doesn't have this functionality by default so I had to modify weblink's permission system a bit. editor

robo's picture
the php session id seems

I do agree about site design completely. The php session id seems fixed. editor

robo's picture
Removing php session ID

You have PHP session ID on all pages on Internet explorer. Your URLs currently look like this:

Google ignores it, but THIS IS A MUST for GOOD search engine positioning in MSN.

In my sites, I removed the PHP session ID by creating an php.ini on the site's home directory and adding the following two lines on

session.use_trans_sid = 0
session.use_only_cookies = 1

Try it!

All the best,

Personal: Bring Dolphin's Simple Joy to your Work - Job - Career
Professional: Small Business Web Hosting Strategies, עסקים ברשת - מדריך ליזם's picture