The Wageningen University has a division called the Centre for Development Innovation which works on processes of innovation and change through facilitating innovation, brokering knowledge and supporting capacity development. The Centre for Development Innovation approached One Shoe for developing a solution that combined their old knowledgebase, with the community power of Ning.
The product is a multi-site / multi-domain portal platform that allows the Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) to gather knowledge, create project portals and supply project teams with specific knowledge for their project. CDI can create as many portals as they like within the platform, allowing endless teams and projects to work together and add to the knowledgebase, while also being able to cooperate over large distances. Some examples of portals are;
One Shoe built the portal CMS based on Drupal 6, with Organic Groups, domains modules, Apache SOLR based search features and a number of custom modules to allow CDI to configure permissions, block, menu's and other settings differently per domain / portal.