The creative works of Valery Morugin are universal, because they unite the human hearts in a single aspiration to the heights of the Spirit and the realization of one’s place in the vast canvas of Genesis...
The site tells about the creativity of a unique contemporary artist Valery Morugin (1946-2010). He lived and worked in Kherson, cozy and green city in southern Ukraine.
Creativity of the Master is beyond the scale of a particular city or country, it is addressed to all mankind, directs every soul to high aesthetics, ethics, morality, imperishable spiritual values, to the knowledge of the Unknown in the Universe . Paintings "live", radiating a symphony of colors, energies and images. For many people they have become a source of Light, Love and Hope.
For Valery Morugin’s works saturation with symbols is typical, reading of which opens the deeper meaning of the works. It’s the whole world, still only cognized by us. And the cover the site is symbolic as well, the picture "Kherson magnet" and a fragment of the painting "Mother Earth Magnets" are used for it. Creative heritage of the artist is the spiritual value for our city and switches on Light of the Hearts all over the world...
Looking to the site pages, you will learn more about the artist, who tirelessly created magnificent things, about the philosophical, spiritual content of his paintings. You can get acquainted with the works of different periods and the responses that they find in people's hearts. Special sections tell about who and how brings the information about the artist to the world.