A swashbuckling adventure on the high seas of becoming a better photographer.
My name is Jason Reusch and I am an evolving photographer. I say that because good and bad photography are subjective judgments and even great photographers take bad pictures. The best you can hope for is it to evolve and get better at expressing yourself through photography.
If you are at the point in your photography where you are thinking about upgrading to a Digital SLR, or recently upgraded, you will benefit the most from this site. It's not the equipment that matters, it's the level of interest and commitment that equipment tends to indicate - you want to improve your photography and are looking for information about how to do so.
If you are further along in photography you might enjoy a trip back to some basics or the occasional more advanced topic.
This is a pragmatic blog. My goal is for there to be something useful you can take away from every post. I promise not to blog more than once a week. It takes time to digest, try, and learn.
Even if you think my pictures stink as long as you learn something that helps you improve your photography I consider that a success. And if you acknowledge my pictures stink less than they used to at least I know I am in fact an evolving photographer.