Catch was appointed in July 2012 as Taxand’s global digital and creative agency to design and develop Taxand’s new corporate site, as well as deliver offline collateral across the full marketing mix. Taxand provides quality, integrated tax advice worldwide. Taxand’s tax professionals – more than 400 partners and over 2,000 advisors – are based in nearly 50 countries globally.
From the outset, the objective for the new website was to produce a site that reflected the responsive nature of the organisation, whilst providing a wealth of industry leading knowledge that can be easily navigated and searched. There was also a desire to create a site that would stand out visually against the background of existing sites in this sector.
With a vast amount of content in a variety of different formats our first task was to fully scope the project and understand the needs of users from various stakeholder groups that would be accessing the site.
We chose to develop the site in Drupal 7 and produce a fully responsive theme, the future proof platform is a cornerstone in the upgrade of Taxand’s global look and feel, in both digital and offline marketing activities.
With powerful search and filtering tools to help users find what they are looking for within the vast database of valuable content, and a modern visual style - the redeveloped taxand.com provides an excellent showcase for the Taxand organisation.