Smart Ideas is a community web site for sharing smart ideas. Here are several examples of type of content that is welcome to be shared.
- Doing things better, faster and/or more effectively by leveraging certain laws of physics, chemistry etc. For example, the article Perfect beef steak advises to warm up the beef to 60ºC in the oven and then fry quickly. This way, the beef remains much more juicy and tender than when cooking it the traditional way.
- Certain "hidden" knowledge that might be helpful sometimes. The article Defense against overbilling lawyers gives advice what you can do if you receive bloated invoice from a lawyer.
- Tips for making unpleasant things more pleasant, such as Chopping onions without crying.
Preferably, the contributed articles should explain the principles behind the smart ideas. The readers can then adopt them more easily to their situation.
If you have smart ideas you are welcome to publish them on Smart Ideas.