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Showcase Rigged Poker International

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Rigged Poker international offers information, reviews, analysis and investigation regarding the online poker world and the question everyone asked himself at least once: is online poker rigged? The question of is treated in its broadest sense, including the possibility of non-random draws, but also financial scandals, scams, cheating/collusion, financial transparency, and any other question that may have effects on the fairness and safety of online poker games.

Besides of articles and investigation, the website offers polls, community forums, as well as a poker rooms comparator, with each room rated by the community, so that any newcomer can see what the community thinks about the safety, reliability and honesty of each online poker room. It also offers poker bonuses/free bankrolls to allow players to test rooms for free, avoiding risking one's own money.

The website is running on Drupal6 and is the international version of a french website. It showcases the multilingual/international/multiversioning capacities of Drupal and its localization modules.