RCS is one of the biggest sport event organization in italy.
They have organized event like "Giro d'Italia di Ciclismo" or "All Italian National Rugby match" or "All Italian soccer team match and many many more...
The site was developed by Drupal 5 and a lot of module and flash:
- Views 1
- Date (CCK)
- Imagecache
- Imagefield (CCK)
- Lightbox 2
- Nice Menus (for horizzontal navigation menu)
- Magic Tab (in photo/video section, to display gallery in ajax tab)
- Flashvideo with Dash Player (to code and load video by costumer, and display them in a homepage player with playlist)
- l18n (fot Multilingual system integration)
- Contente Template
- Active views template
- Token
- Webform
and more...
There is also two big flash/xml (the iTunes clone and the rss feed from gazzetta.it in homepage and the calnedar event in your relative section).
At the end there is also a JQuery Accordion plugin to display news in homepage (the right box)