The site collected information about the city of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan, photographs, maps, you can see the calendar of movie theaters, view the information on concerts and performances, weather forecasts for cities Republic, the schedule of transport and much more.
Each section RB7.ru on unique, we have tried to cover all the main spheres of activity, interesting people, and combine them into one global project - RB7.ru.
Portal RB7.ru - is:
* Fresh news;
* 7 magazines with selected articles on a variety of topics, from RB7-Lady to RB7-Business;
* directories of organizations (more than 10000) and sites Republic;
* poster and calendar cinemas;
* information, such as television, weather forecasts for 16 cities Republic, schedule the Ufa airport, currency exchange rates, etc.;
* user-friendly interface for listening to radio and television viewing on-line;
* the opportunity to place advertisements for the sale (such as real estate or cars);
* the opportunity to seek and locate jobs and resumes;
* forums of various subjects and custom blogs, discussion of urban news and other relevant issues, the opportunity to share interests, talk to other people;
* much more.
This is link for ENGLISH version of RB7.ru:
Also I think this web site has very interesting and orifinal self-made skin!