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PF Buzz is a social media site that focuses on sharing the best personal finance and money articles...made by a personal finance blogger for personal finance bloggers. Features include Digg-style articles submissions and voting facility, Stumble-style random buzz to show random finance articles, news aggregator, blog, and discussion forums. PF Buzz is the premiere social network site for personal finance bloggers and readers.

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I really like this site. Huge amount of content. You've inspired me add a bit more to Talk About Debt, my drupal site that offers debt advice and IVA advice.

talkaboutdebt's picture
I really like the style

We are looking to move from v5 to 6. We are employing a full time drupal engineer v6 was great. The UK Insolvency Helpline an IVA advice website should work great on V6, testing so far is going well

The UK Insolvency Helpline's picture
New drupal site

me and my team are just working on a new drupal site, our 7th one in two years. The UK Factoring & Invoice Discounting Helpline is a service offering factoring advice to small businesses.

Loving drupal so much's picture