Welcome to PakReviews, a place where you can read opinions on just about anything that is available in Pakistan and even out of it. Read and learn what people have to say about a product or a company before making any decision about it. You can even add your product/company to the listing by simply signing up and adding your item and see what others say about your product/company. Discuss and share ideas with other people on the vast and interactive forums which allow users to interact with each other.
Em Happy to announce the initial launch of Pakreviews. I've revised the whole site to be much more usable and improved it by adding a lot of features (Thanks to Drupal and its such a big community of developers)
Some of the new features added are listed below,
Better and Improved Item Listing
Five Star Ratings on Products
PhotoGallery for each Item
Private Messaging
New and Improved Forums
Improved Categories Navigation & Layout
Added a Shoutbox
User Contribution Points
This is brillliant!!