About the Site
The Alliance to Save Energy selected Forum One Communications to design and build the Building Codes Assistance Project's (BCAP) site.
Dedication to energy code adoption, implementation, and advocacy are cornerstones
of the Building Codes Assistance Project's (BCAP) mission. To further these goals, BCAP has launched a new website: the Online Code Environment and Advocacy Network (OCEAN) providing a variety of resources and bringing together a diverse group of code experts, practitioners, and stakeholders.
Dive into the OCEAN of codes!
The Online Code Environment and Advocacy Network (OCEAN) supports stakeholders in utilizing building energy codes to improve the energy efficiency of our built environment. OCEAN is an interactive, web-based resource designed to share experiences, best practices, educational resources, and key facts as they relate to building energy code adoption and implementation. As the point of reference on current happenings in the areas of adoption, compliance, and enforcement of energy codes, OCEAN informs and educates users on timely issues and critical needs. By creating a virtual community, OCEAN enables stakeholders to discuss and learn about code issues, connect to trainers and educators, and find policies and program ideas that can serve as models for new activities. In many ways, OCEAN is a product of its users and provides valuable, reliable information based on real experience. Major funding for this website is provided by the Sea Change Foundation.
Learn from and Share Valuable Resources
OCEAN’s large database of resources is organized into an online library, conveniently divided into research topics. Covering all facets of energy codes, the library includes technical documents, best practices, studies, reports, and much more. While BCAP frequently uploads its own work to the site, OCEAN members are actively encouraged to share their own resources for the benefit of the entire codes community.
By simply logging on to your homepage, OCEAN will inform you of the most recent content that best fits your profile preferences. If you would like, you can also navigate through OCEAN’s entire library of resources and other content. To make resources more user-friendly, each entry includes brief description and source information, as well as a preview of the document. If you want an electronic copy of a resource, you can easily download it to your computer.
Connect with a Network of Professionals
The world of building energy codes is much larger than most people imagine. From advocates to home builders, compliance officers to consulting services, this network can be vast and difficult to navigate. OCEAN can help point you in the right direction. Once you register with OCEAN, you become a member of the premier building energy codes network. By indicating your areas of expertise and needs when you register, OCEAN will be optimized for your use. You have access to the entire website, but your OCEAN homepage becomes customized and directs you to the most up-to-date news, events, user groups and resources that may be of interest. Still can’t find what you’re
looking for? Post a message on the discussion boards or access the member directory
to search the entire group of experts. The entire BCAP staff and OCEAN’s online resources are at your fingertips.
Keep up with BCAP through OCEAN
The best way to keep up with current events at the Building Codes Assistance Project is
to log on to OCEAN. New content is constantly being added and discussions are under
way.Registration is quick and easy, and the site is 100% free and open to the public. If you
aren’t a member yet, you’re already missing out! Simply go to www.bcap-ocean.org to
get in on the action. Here is a short list of the site areas available on OCEAN:
RESOURCE LIBRARY - Access all resources uploaded by BCAP and other members in one place.
RESEARCH TOPICS - Areas within the site that focus on a particular topic of interest which provide featured resources and groups that apply to the topic.
CODE STATUS - Access the current status of each states’ energy codes, as well as State Toolkits and other news and events that pertain to the state.
MEMBER DIRECTORY - Find any user on the site, as well as code speakers and trainers, and make connections with others to expand your network.
DISCUSSIONS - Express your opinion or learn something new by taking part in discussions with other members on hot topics and current events.
GROUPS - Join a group that brings many people with the same interests together, and access the
exclusive discussions and resources available to the group.
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