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Mom's Dish is a recipe site for moms. There were several challenges. First, to make it social, super social. Modded facebook connect, added schema & opengraph markups. Second, make it different. Added an ability for users to upload their own pictures, styled recipes to be easily read, created a recipe difficulty icon, generated an onsite dictionary working with various APIs to bring illustration and info to recipe ingredients and its sizes. Third, make it rich. Responsive site, modded onsite search, ajaxed & modded comments, custom popularity module, custom recipe content type, automatically processing of recipe entries, calculates unit sizes, generates links to various dictionary entries and more. As always, a beautiful back-end to easily control the site... Best of all, we decided to drop IE 8 support :) ....ahhh, the possibilities! ...I still ♥ u MS:)

Timofey Drozhzhin

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Nice design, very convenient

Nice design, very convenient navigation and it really looks tasty! :-)

Hishen's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

timofey's picture
Yeap, looks delicious, very

Yeap, looks delicious, very attractive website!

Serge's picture