This completely free new medical service helps protect you and your family against potential treatment delays in the event of a medical emergency. Any person who owns a mobile phone can register freely for the MobileMEDIC service, and be protected by the system if involved in an accident or violent street attack.
Our goal is to promote awareness of this service to the public, local authorities and government bodies. By registering with us you are helping this cause, and with enough public support the powers that be will have to recognise the importance of the MobileMEDIC service.
Pledge your support and register freely today!
This is a private self-funded project that is powered by its members, sponsors and donations.
This looks a very interesting concept. As a paramedic I can certainly see the benefits whereby I have to deal with youngsters that are drunk and unconscious on a Friday and Saturday night. Thumbs up from me!
Thank you for your comment Jonathan. I would very much like to hear from you with any specific improvements you may have. We are currently liaising with a number of press offices regarding promotion of the service so any pre-marketing tips would be great.
-=[ www.mobilemedic.co.uk - Save a life today. Yours! ]=-
www.mobilemedic.co.uk - Save a life today. Yours!