I only recently launched http://www.mmug.org.uk with Drupal 4.7, but updated it to 5.1 the other night.
Purpose of Site: Mac User Group site in the Birmingham, UK and surrounding areas. We welcome any and all Mac users to the group and use of the site and our Google Groups mailing list is free.
Theme: Aquasoft with a few tweaks:
* added $mission to the page.tpl.php file and defined a new style for #mission in style.css (I'm considering making the style appear as a "slip" to look even more Mac-like);
* removed all the text-align: justify attributes, because I hate that;
* changed .footerreg class to an ID (#footerreg - I think it was intended to be that all along);
* removed the padding attributes on #footerreg;
* changed to text-align: right in #footerreg because it competes visually with #footernav;
* Event: I'm so glad this has been updated to 5.x and supports FCKEditor now!
* FCKEditor
* XML Sitemap : I put this on every site I work on
* Poormanscron : also on every site I work on
* Safari Search : I disabled it because I couldn't get it work the way I thought it should
* Update status : another one I use on every site
* Views: I've enabled it with the intention of running the Sales & Wants section (classifieds?) for the site, but am wondering if I should be using a different module to do this. Any advice?
I'm very keen to tweak the Primary Menu's css so that I've got the iconic buttons now shown in Aquasoft.