maryporter.net is the personal website of Mary Porter AM, an elected member of the legislative assembly of the Australian Capital Territory. The site features Mary Porter's blog, an image gallery of her activities in the ACT community; listings of community notices and latest media releases from the ACT government. Her mobile office dates are also listed, plus of course biographical information about Mary.
From the About Mary Porter page:
Mary arrived in the ACT from the Northern Territory in 1977. Prior to this she was working as a volunteer Nursing Sister in remote parts of the Northern Territory for 12 years. She was a founding member of Tuggeranong Community Service (regional community service in one of the ACT’s town centre regions, now known as “Communities at Work”.), and employed with that organisation as the Manager of its Community Service Department till 1992.In 1992 she joined the staff of a Federal Minister for a 12 month period. She was founding member of Volunteering Association 1986, and was employed by that organisation, now Volunteering ACT, as CEO after it gained initial funding in 1993 to October 2004