Showcase Marina Company

Drupal Version: 

A portfolio website for Marina Company a design studio based in Barcelona. The most remarkable is an original jQuery navigation system: a drop-down accordion menu containing every page on the site with horizontal scroll.

The design team asked for an original navigation system. It consisted on a drop-down menu that will be used as the main navigation system.

At the same time, the menu will behave as an accordion panel containing every page with horizontal scroll bar.

The tricky part was that the navigation menu should have a fixed position on the left of the page.

We didn't found any similar solution on the net, so we hope it can be useful for somebody.

CSS and HTML code passes the validator, though.

This drupal website was launched on June 2010, developed by Strabinarius and Adrián Pérez.

We hope you like it.

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Nice Site

A minimalist site, but nice

Carl's picture
You're right, Carl

The client was very comitted with the look & feel of the website.
Even the porfolio gallery has no navigation buttons. Really minimal.
Thanks for your comments.

dcanetma2's picture
web design service

Nice site.

enomsoft's picture
Yes! I do like the white

Yes! I do like the white background and the orderly and clean look! It fells good on my sore eyes...

Hochzeitsfotograf's picture
We're glad you liked it

Thanks for your comments.

dcanetma2's picture