'Live on Bowen' is a weekly variety program, airing Friday nights on Channel 31 - a community broadcasting network based in Melbourne, Australia. With Season 3 launching with a new host and new look, a brand new website was needed to fully utilize the vast array of content at the programme's disposal.
Because the previous website was built on top of Wordpress with little or no thought on how the website would be consumed, building from scratch using Drupal seemed to be the logical choice.
he previous version of the website that was built on Wordpress had to be taken down due to a security exploit compromising the website. As a new install and theme were being explored for the Wordpress platform, the Content Strategist and head of the online team Peter Macinkovic discovered that the existing content was poorly managed, planned and was restrictive from a usability standpoint.
Drupal was chosen for the revised website deployment for the following reasons:
Security: Drupal has a reputation for security and minimizing exploits, which is one of the reasons government adoption is so high.
Custom Content Typing: The 'Live on Bowen' website would need a variety of content types ranging from cast members, episodes, seasons and guests in order for a solid relationship between content types to be established.
Highly Customizable Views: The views modules is one of the many killer features of Drupal, and with the ability to customize output of mark-up easily within the admin GUI, it provided a lot of flexibility in dealing with the overall presentation of the website.