Drupal Version:
Jips Fashion an online store fashion boutique has been operating since 2005 delivering great looking fashionable garments to you our shoppers.
The website uses the latest Drupal 6 and Ubercart 2 code base, along with the theme being developed on top of the Zen library,it also uses a number of SEO modules to make it optimally visible on the search network.
I like it. Wish i could use drupal that well - one day i will!!
yeah it's great. the birds are really hot. almost as hot as the design. this is great!!!
It was fun developing the site. This is the first time I've used Open Source software. Really enjoyed the community atmosphere towards module involvement and development. The Drupal website http://www.drupal.org was resourceful along with Ubercart http://www.ubercart.org the providers of the shopping cart module.
Just recently integrated the Twitter module which allows you to post updates directly from your website to your Twitter account.
Drupal is awesome!
Must say that i am impressed by the entire site. Did you put alot of time into getting it like this? :)