The new ITER Belgium website (www.iterbelgium.be) has been designed with Drupal as an easy-to-navigate platform meant to inform Belgian organizations about business opportunities related to the international ITER project. One of the special features is an extranet giving Belgian industrial companies access to ITER calls for tenders and downloadable technical documents. There is also a direct link to the ‘Industrial Database for ITER’ made available under EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement). Visitors with an interest in the project can register there and also subscribe to the ITER Belgium newsletter. The website is available in 3 languages (EN-NL-FR) and uses the AWTW module by Connexion for an optimized translation workflow.
This website was created by Connexion Corporate Communications, a Belgian b2b agency specialized in multilingual web and print marketing communications. More info about our service on http://www.connexion.eu.