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Showcase IndieMade

Drupal Version: 

IndieMade gives independent creatives -- photographers, crafters, painters, and so on -- the power of Drupal with none of the configuration headaches.

When a new user signs up, we create a new Drupal site for them, with a blog, photo gallery, Ubercart store, and so on. Instead of using administration screens, they use a custom dashboard to add and edit pages, postings, and products. There's a small monthly fee.

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Very Nice


Those Drupal sites look nice. Is the purpose of this site selling them?

kindle 3 covers's picture
Yes, it's a service

Yes. When a new subscriber fills out the signup form, a new site is created. It's hosted on IndieMade's servers, and the subscriber pays a monthly fee for this.

Thanks for your kind words! Glad you like 'em.

ideograph's picture
Ok Thanks, I was figuring out

Ok Thanks,

I was figuring out how you are making money with this ): and how to get those websites.Thanks for your reply

kindle 3 covers's picture
These are nice!

Wow-- I'm impressed with these sites. Very clean and professional looking, w/ a nice creative touch as well :)

Tony Thorton's picture
Advertising space on indiemade sites

Hi There,
Can anyone tell me if you can add banners and advertising spaces to these types of sites ??

sherrie Adams's picture