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Drupal Version: 

Here's my 100% Drupal redesign of, a site I've been running since around 2002. Drupal proved to be the best solution I could imagine for the redesign, as it's not only made the site look and function much better, but it's made updating it on the daily basis an absolute breeze. It took me around three months, but that's because I had over 2500 reviews to port over (from standard HTML!). I learned a lot of stuff on the fly (didn't know a lick of PHP, and my CSS skills were rudimentary at best). I'm proof that Drupal isn't just a tool for hardcore developers and web gurus. Heck, if I can do it, anyone can!!

Once I got my head around Views and CCK, the rest came relatively easy, and the customization Drupal afforded me made the rebuild a joy. Thanks to this platform, I've fallen in love with building websites all over again. :)

Note: This site, while live, is still very much a work in progress, as I add new features and functions pretty much as quick as I learn how!! :P

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very good design i like it

very good design i like it very much...there are a lot of details which i like so much

Thomas's picture
What a creativity you have

What a creativity you have done, nice thought.

Anonymous's picture
Really excellent job!

Very professional looking and easy on the eyes. One of the "funner" Drupal sites I've seen here. Great work!

Crystal's picture
I loved it. Hard work!

I am new to the Drupal and get discourage at it. This makes
me want to learn it more better to make my site. It is great
design and I am very happy you share. Best luck to you project.


Drupal Noob's picture
Really it looks marvelous.

Really it looks marvelous. Very attractive design.

pizza wertingen's picture

You guys can do no wrong ! Each & every single one of your works is AH-Mazing ! You definitely have your own personal branding style within everything you create ( that is certain ), as one can clearly distinguish your work . I believe no one is revolutionizing Web Design as this team is doing presently across the www. You guys are certainly ” What Dreams are made of ” . Wishing you much continued success – you ROCK !

Deborah's picture
Terrific Design and Use of Modules

I really love how you adapted CKK and Views, here (at least I think you did!). I have been looking for module to do reviews like this and haven't had any luck. I've contacted you through your site. Hope you could maybe give me some pointers!

Thanks and Great Work!

Peter Drellin's picture
Nice Job!

Very nice work! Lots of of ideas here. Well executed!

Karen Rodrigues's picture