WD Web Connections is a 100% free dating site dedicated to people with STD's. The site is running on the drupal back end. The site was just lunched June 29th, 2007, please provide any feed back you may have.
WD Web Connections is a 100% free dating site dedicated to people with STD's. The site is running on the drupal back end. The site was just lunched June 29th, 2007, please provide any feed back you may have.
I am also trying to create a dating section in a site for a niche group (arts/culture) and would love to know how you created a dating site in Drupal? Is there a developer you would recommend or did you do all the coding yourself?
Good luck with your site. It looks great.
I was the sole developer and designer for that website. You may log into that site with your drupal account login info, then contact me via the contact form.
the site owner says he will change the technology that runs the site. Is he moving away from Drupal?
Did you found something concerning dating, that works for drupal ?