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Showcase Drupal Summit CERN'12

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After the success of the first Drupal Summit organised in Europe in Genk last year, Linalis with the Ziido Foundation wanted to set up a second European Drupal Summit with support from CERN (the European Center for the Nuclear Research), in Geneva.

To present the event and allow registration Linalis and the Drupal Summit organizers needed a modular and evolutive platform where it is easy to add content, to feed the websites visitors with updates and related information.
The design also needed to be attractive and easy to read.

What a better occasion to use Drupal and show how flexible attractive and user-friendly the platform can be.

This was this project was to use the master of the Genk Drupal Summit Website, and adapt the existing modules to the Geneva event structure and specificities.

The Drupal Summit CERN'12 has now an evolutive website remining the Genk event theme and allowing vistors to register and consult the Summit Program.