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Showcase Droptica - Company Website

Drupal Version: 

Our website is a solid example of what you can do with Drupal. The website is built with Drupal 8 platform.

The website has the following pages:

1. Home
We built a user-friendly, and customized main page where you can find many Drupal functionalities which we put together with a lot of emphasis on user experience and design.

2. Services and Products
For the Drupal system, it was also not a problem to place our extensive offer in the service tab. We put nine tabs there: Drupal, Symfony, React, PHP, DevOps, nodejs, FrontEnd, Design/UX and All services. Each of them has an extensive number of subpages.

3. Case Study
One of our case study examples is Training Realm which was developed using Symfony and Angular that expand Drupal system with many functionalities. These technologies allow for quick iterations and development.

4. Blog
Thanks to the extensive Drupal functions, we've created a great looking and functional Drupal blog page in a very easy way. The main navigation menu takes a visitor to a page that displays the most recent blog post.

Also you can check an example of our blog post below:
“Building a big website? Here are ten reasons why you should be using Drupal”.

5. Knowledge
We made an e-book library in Drupal. This is our first one but we are planning to have plenty of e-books in the future. We have an easy way to store them so everyone can access them easily. Just have a look, how effectively you can post en e-book on a Drupal page: “Best practices for software development teams”.