Blog, personal portfolio site, development/research platform, bunch of (unusefull) texts, typical nerd geeky site...:-) It's up to you how you'd call it! If you believe it or not, it was a comedy show that made this whole site possible. About 2 years ago some funny idea striked me from middle of nowhere and I became fascinated by the idea of having my own "full name"-domain. Indeed this funny ideea came up when I saw some german comedy show called "Bully Parade". For the first time in my life I saw some free-spirited unconventional domain name: www.bullypara.de! :-) Ok, there are some plenty other similar sites like del.icio.us, sla.ckers.org, ha.ckers.org, code.it etc. ... I think you got the point xD
So what's this site about?
Due to my vast interest in Linux/Unix stuff, this site mostly deals with *NIX related topics. Already early in age I've started coding on *NIX-platforms. Many years of experience with system/kernel/network administration have brought wide knowledge to me and improved my coding skills. You'll find here some of my projects which I've consired worth to be published. Besides that you'll find interesting articles on some topics I've dealt with. I hope you appreciate my efforts and readiness to improve this site and keep it up-to-dated. I really like to share my knowlegde with other people with the hope to extend mine. Enjoy your stay and don't forget to write comments! :)
cool site! i also want to have that arthemia template! ;)