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City Travel Tips is a user submitted library of small (and not so small) travel tips submitted by people all around the world. The idea is simple, before you travel to a City you visit www.citytraveltips.com and type in the City or Country you are traveling to. If you want to look for a type of travel tip you can select that also. e.g If I was traveling to London I could search for all 'Food & Beverage' Tips for 'London' and be presented with what other travelers and locals around the world advise as places to go (or not go!).
We need your help to grow this to a huge Library, so if you have local knowledge about a City or place in the world, share your travel tip. It only takes 60 seconds!
The City Travel tips idea is a good one. I'm doing a similar thing with my personal blog, discussing my personal experiences during a long-term stay in Thailand. I've only begun to post, but I plan to have a lot more new content up over the next week. Please check it out and let me know what you think. www.holidays-to-thailand.com