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Showcase Blond Blonde

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Another one page scroller website. This site was developed for a small graphic, branding, and web shop located along the beautiful sea to sky highway between Squamish and Whistler.

Blond Blonde is two experienced and dedicated designers with an upbeat and funky attitude. They are always challenging themselves to come up with new and creative websites.

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One page scroller website.

This was my first stab at this type of website. Integration into Drupal had its challenges but in the end I feel it works very well.

Anyone have any feedback on what I could have done differently / better in regards to the build?

sherakama's picture
Bug Fix

Works in IE 8 again. Forgot to carry over a stylesheet when moving live.

sherakama's picture
that's amazing

You did everything that I've been wanting to learn how to do in Drupal recently: more awesome jquery-ness. I'm not an expert, but this site seems very, very clever.

marshallgmoore's picture