Welcome to Battle Forces!
2008 is here and we are ready to open up the beta version of Battle Forces to the world.
Our goal for Battle Forces is to make it the most entertaining, turn based, strategy game in the world. We wish to go beyond RISK, make it fresher than Axis and Allies, deeper than Diplomacy and more lively than Supremacy. All good games, but they are not optimally designed for multiplayer internet play.
All Battle Forces games utilize simultaneous turns, this keeps the game going and reduces the long wait for other players. Instead of trying to force simultanious play onto an old game design, Battle Forces is designed for simultanious play, making the experience much more natural. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
It might take time, but if you join us early, you can help shape Battle Forces into your favorite war game. You might even be able to quickly grab a top position on the leaderboard.
See you on the battlefield,
The Battle Forces Team.