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Showcase Austin, Texas Now.

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Austin, Texas Now is a marketing site for the Austin Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit organization focused on promoting business in the Austin area.

The site is built on Drupal 6 and heavily relies on FeedAPI to pull in feeds from Twitter, Flickr, and news sources related to Austin. A custom module allows administrators to filter incoming feed data based on positive and negative keyword matches to ensure content stays relevant to business in Austin without requiring constant administrator oversight.

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Austin, Texas Now Nominated for a Webby

This site was nominated for a Webby. It's the only Drupal site in the category and a great showcase of what you can do with Drupal. It aggregates user-generated content from multiple sources and utilizes modern browser features, such as canvas and custom font faces, all while being accessible, standards-compliant, and optimized for search engines.

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