Showcase Astute Resourcing - Contract and Permanent jobs for IT professionals in Banking and Finance in South Africa, Africa and other Emerging Markets

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Acquiring and managing IT talent is becoming increasingly challenging for company directors, managers and human resource decision-makers – particularly in developing countries, where there is a large and often critical skills gap.

Astute Resourcing specialises in attracting and placing experienced IT professionals in the banking and financial services sectors, in Africa and other emerging markets.

Emerging markets now represent an estimated 80 per cent of the world’s population, and 20 per cent of the world’s economy. As the sophistication of these markets increase, the skills requirements for IT professionals operating in these regions will also need to increase.

The team behind Astute Resourcing has worked in banking and financial services in emerging market economies for over a decade and has a unique understanding of the practical IT requirements in these service industries across South Africa, Africa, the Middle East and Indian Ocean regions. We offer a comprehensive resourcing solution, from connecting you with the right person (and the right skills) for your business to providing management and career consulting services for our candidates and our customers.

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Thanks to Lathan Britz of

Thanks to Lathan Britz of Jucallme studios for creating such a great site for all of us at Astute Resourcing.

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