alevri.com is the official recipe site of Loulis Mills S.A. Company.
The site with simple and responsive design resembles of a cookbook.
By means of Drupal, we made it possible to easily match each recipe with the respective keywords in order to create the “Cook with what you have in your closet”, where the user enters the ingredients of the recipe and the functionality extracts suggested recipes.
Drupal comes even more in handy for the site’s administrators when they easily convert the uploaded recipes to banners for the home page.
Another important feature is the “material converter” which converts quickly any ingredient to the desired measurement unit. By choosing also, specific portions according to the number of people served, a user gets back the required quantities for each ingredient.
Visitors could choose their favorite recipes, save them in their account, print them or share them in their social networks.
From recipes' production to delicious desserts’ consumption the site was baked with love by Netstudio for those who love the products of Mills Ag. Georgiou.
Read More on our blog: https://www.netstudio.co.uk./blog/cheese-pie-cremes-and-alevricom