We designed a fully responsive website for a young & ambitious real estate agency in Sochi. With Drupal 7 under the hood, it boasts a custom property base with a module for condominiums. Plus property search, fresh & recommended properties, advantage icons (why us), video testimonials - and lots of handy features.
Drupal Version: 7.28. Modules: Administration menu, Better Exposed Filters, CKEditor, Conditional Fields, Context, Chaos tool suite (ctools), Date, Devel, Display Suite, Entity API, Entity reference, Entity Translation, Field collection, Field Collection Table, Field Group, Geofield, geoPHP, ImageCache Actions, IMCE, jQuery Update, Localization update, Libraries API, Link, Mail Editor, Memcache API and Integration, Menu attributes, Metatag, Module Filter, Panels, Panels Everywhere, Pathauto, Rules, Semantic Views, Token, Token Filter, Universally Unique IDentifier, Viewfield, Views, Views Load More, Webform, Webform Ajax, Webform Hints.