Drupal Showcase in: Science
This category lists Drupal-powered websites with focus on science, such as learning and educational sites, science projects and initiatives, databases, industry news, services and products.
SmartGrid.gov is the gateway to information on federal initiatives that support the development of the technologies, policies and projects transforming the electric power industry.
#6654 Smartgrid.Gov
Web agency based in Berlin. Web development for NGOs, the public sector and social business.
#6630 Social Websites
Tinea.gr is a greek news website, where users can create their own blog, and based on the arthemia theme.
#6576 Tinea
XCore Exchange Version 3.0 - Have an amazing idea? Go from idea to product in a matter of weeks - not months. Welcome to XCore Exchange, the community for XMOS embedded processors.
#6546 XCore.com Ver 3.0
We are very proud to announce that we have just launched a beta version of Speaking Image (http://www.speakingimage.org).
#6428 Speaking Image
Based in Calgary, Alberta, Engelhart Reed Ltd. are general contractors specializing in interior and exterior tenant improvements.
#6407 Engelhart Reed
Fédération de Pêche du Puy de Dôme
Bienvenue dans le Puy de Dôme, le département de la diversité.
Beyond The Light Switch was created by Detroit Public Television for a national public television audience to learn, discuss and view video as a companion to the two-hour television documentary.
#6216 Beyond The Light Switch
News-site with main focus on telemedicine from Denmark. It also covers topics like ehealth, telehomecare as they are very closely related, and may in fact overlap each other.
This new web site replaces a static HTML type site previously in place. Site features additional functions based on roles for people like engineers and sales reps.
RCT wants to provide unambiguous information, helping the community to structure the complex nature of information on cancer therapies.