Drupal Showcase in: Education
This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
The only web site dedicated to helping the true beginner computer user AND the people who help beginners. Great computer tips, how-to's and video tips.
My personal website. I use it for personal information, students' support, and more. Mostly in italian language, but english version also present.
This is my professional site, and I am a college professor. There are links to classes I teach (all Drupal-based websites) in the teaching section.
#1969 pz-writing.net
Crocodyl is collaboration between nonprofit organizations such as Center for Corporate Policy, CorpWatch, Good Jobs First and individual contributors from around the world.
TP1 created an original graphic signature unifying the three schools forming JPPS-Bialik.
#1933 JPPS-Bialik Portal
Community site for the student government of Loyola Marymount University.
Comunità di informazioni ed esperienze sulle più diffuse sostanze psicotrope.
SIC è un metodo di scrittura collettiva di racconti e romanzi per gruppi di 4+ persone.
Positive Life Changing information, including advice, powerful motivational writing and videos, health and fitness, and self help topics. Updated daily.
Sweden's United Student Unions is an umbrella organization for member student organizations around Sweden.
Рецепты - это сайт собирающий рецепты народов мира. Славянские и западноевропейские рецепты, бабушкина кухня и утварь.