Drupal Showcase in: Education

This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
To Live Forever, an art museum exhibition website, explores the ancient Egyptian belief that death was an enemy that could be beaten through proper preparation.
Programming faqs is a yahoo answers clone site, here users can ask the questions related to any programming, and can answer the exisitng questions
Start your new Web-2.0 website today. You can be live in less then 30 minutes. If you wish to have something a little more professional or custom, please feel free to contact us for a quote.
Children in Crisis is a charity that exists to give children in some of the world's poorest countries the educational opportunities they need to help transform their lives.
Edwin Rene's Weblog containing rants, internet related tutorials, news, translations
We are an international educational and professional development organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in
This is the website of a chidren's arts organisation in Ireland. We publish books with kids. This site is to promote the company.
cfpj is the official website of the french school for professionnal journalists. Based on Drupal Core and standard modules.
#2496 CFPJ
Internetowy słownik polsko hiszpański - Internet Polish-Netherlands Dictionary
Created by the nation's governors and business leaders, Achieve helps states raise academic standards and achievement so that all students graduate ready for college, work and citizenship.
Alexandria, Virgina based Phase2 Technology worked with non-profit group Achieve.org to develop "Business Tools for Schools." The "Business Tools for Better Schools" toolkit is designed to engage,