Drupal Showcase in: Education

This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
Created to serve as Drupal Turkish Community web site. Site is very new and does not have much content(some of it dummy) yet.
авчальний центр засновано з метою підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації робітників будівельних професій.
UiR , Project Training in Ryfylke is that model a pioneering work.
kademi Pariwisata Majapahit merupakan Lembaga Pendidikan tinggi pariwisata berjenjang diploma 3 dibawah Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi sekolah Pariwisata yang berlokasi di Kota Surabaya Jawa
We recommend policies to governments, multinationals and other institutions that promote the dignity of life of people living in extreme poverty
This is the new website for the Language Variation and Textual Categorisation in English (LVTC) group, a research group based at the University of Vigo.
Обучающие статьи и программы по курсу компьютерная графика и вычислительная геометрия. Уроки по компьютерной графике.
Сайт малакологов и любителей моллюсков. Интеграция с форумом PHPBB.
Infinitus Dynamic is a full-fledged database management and market research company established in October 2012 in Mumbai, India
NobleQuotes.com is a website that provides a collection of famous quotations from popular personalities. The features of this website are:
This was a very exciting project because we got to play with two geek toys. The amazing Isotope plugin (click on the tags on the home page and you will see it in action).
Sitio web del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Regional Norte Sede Salto de la Universidad de la República del Uruguay.