Drupal Showcase in: Education

This category displays selection of Drupal-based sites in the field of education, from schools to charities to blogs with focus on learning, studies, education and development.
Bi-lingual website for a higher-education institute based in Dubai, U.A.E. We have followed patterns that everyone expects in navigation and location, keeping the overall user experience simple.
Web ecommerce platform educational system based on Drupal 7.
Get tons of options with Questions & Answers 2 -- a comprehensive and unique Q&A responsive Drupal theme.
Developmenticon is a Drupal Development Company based in India.
Design and web develop project. Main portal of University of San Andres UdeSA and all the related online management tools.
The Go-Lab Project (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) opens up online science laboratories (remote and virtual labs) for the large-scale use in school education.
#8672 Go-Lab
Official website of MassPEP - Massachusetts Pre-Engineering Program focus on STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.
OhioChristian.edu has been rebuilt using Drupal 7 and is based off the Bootstrap Framework.
Appunti "digitali" su HTML, CSS, PHP e DRUPAL. "Digital" notes about HTML, CSS, PHP and DRUPAL
DrupalMag is an awesome premium Drupal magazine theme.
An Educational Institute run by Not for Profit society.
Drupal Note Malaysia is a successor from a previous project called Kripkorn Studios.