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Blog Updated! Drupal 6 is in da house.

The submissions, comments, voting are all open starting from now. There was a big chunk of work done on But there are some few rough edges to get on for theme to be done soon.

It was a great experience. But I believe we'll not suffer from such a downtime on submission in next few years. And after all it was the greatest clean up from very beginning back 2.5 years ago.

Please contact if you see any bugs and such. More info on what was done and the future developments will follow in a day or two.

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Well, I´m looking forward to

Well, I´m looking forward to the new drupalsites after the update :)

replicator111's picture
It was a successful update,

It was a successful update, keep it up!
I´m very happy with drupal 6.

Karl11's picture
I'm new to drupal and have to

I'm new to drupal and have to implement this system for a big international organisation. I find drupal philosophy and concept the best of CMS I've worked on. The only downside is it has no proper documentation such as this one.I was searching for a way to create exactly the same as this case study (and I bet many people are) and only found it after browsing a long time and stumbling across other suggestions that weren't a good match.

Web Design Kent's picture