The Surrey Association of Church Bell Ringers was founded over 130 years ago. They required a site to open up their community to the wider public, and to attract people of all ages.
They had an existing site which required manual updates at code level when ever content needed to be changed. And when they have team leaders spread throughout the county this was becoming very time consuming.
Developed with our friends at Styles webin www.styleswebbin.co.uk ,we set them up with the new site based on the Drupal content management system, so their team leaders can now have direct access to update which ever content is required, instantly.
"The feedback from our membership speaks for itself: highly professional look, clear layout, easy to navigate, informative, brilliant!" Carolina Goodship - Surrey Bell Ringers.
More information about the Surrey Bell Ringers and our work at London Design Works can be seen here www.londondesignworks.com