MOSO International B.V. is specialized in the development of innovative and trend-setting products made of bamboo. The company name MOSO is derived from a giant bamboo, the "Phyllostachys pubescens". MOSO is the Chinese word for this species of bamboo, which supplies the raw material for all MOSO products and grows in abundant quantities in China.
This Drupal site is multi lingual in 7 languages: Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portugese. The site has been developed with Drupal 6 using core modules and several contributed modules (Imagecache, Webform and some custom). It uses a custom design which has been converted to a Drupal theme using 8 different layouts which can be varied per page.
Visit: www.moso.eu
Created by: Dynamic Presentations - www.dynapres.nl